
Here is a technical report that describes the architecture and implementation of the Etrace. A paper that describes an earlier version of the etrace is also available.


Etrace is an extensible system call interposition framework. It intercepts system calls made by the monitored process and all its children. For each system call, etrace stops the calling process at the entry and exit of the system call. Then extensions are called. Extensions are hand-written or generated from a policy specification language, BMSL. Sample extensions include sandboxing policies and Alcatraz. In order to facilitate the access of system call information, etrace provides a simple interface that hides low-level details.

Etrace is designed to be portable across platforms. It uses a C++ classes to encapsulate all architecture-dependent details. Porting etrace to another platform only involves rewriting the class using mechanisms provided by the new platform. In the current implementation, Linux on IA-32 architecture is supported via the ptrace interface of Linux.


Shipped under GPL. Current version: 0.8.2. Click here to download.

Compatible OS: RedHat Linux 7.3, 8.0, Fedora Core 2, and RHEL 4/CentOS 4.